How does Hydroxsys technology work

At Hydroxsys, our Vision is to create sustainable value for our shareholders, our customers, and our communities by providing innovative technology solutions that work. 
We recently initiated a series of posts to help explain more about who we are and what we do. In this edition we will explain more about our unique membrane technology, and how it works.
Hydroxsys’ approach to CleanTech membrane filtration started with the realisation that incumbent membrane systems fell short of the expectations that a harsh, wastewater environment creates, while non-filtration technologies were creating secondary issues through the addition of flocculants and other pollutants.

This led our researchers to ask one simple question; could we create a membrane that would withstand the aggressive, sometimes destructive, nature of wastewater systems and operate effectively without the addition of any secondary or tertiary substances? The answer was found in another harsh environment – batteries.


By employing the same core polyethylene membrane used in the manufacturing of batteries and adapting its properties to alter the membrane from hydrophobic (water rejecting) to hydrophilic (water passing), we were able to develop a membrane that stands up under extreme and variable conditions. Even better, our membrane is highly capable in effectively rejecting dissolved solids, fats, oils and grease, and even reducing dissolved constituents, while allowing clean water to be recovered from the upstream waste material.


Hydrophilicitising our membrane incorporates advanced polymer chemistry which interacts with the surface of the polyethylene. The “water loving” polymers bind to the polyethylene under strictly controlled conditions to create a membrane that wets out at atmospheric pressure. The use of polyethylene as the base material means the membrane itself is extremely strong, strong enough to withstand the inside of lithium-ion batteries, while still being light and pliable enough to provide a substrate for our membranes. And because the applied polymer chemistry is only targeting water, those constituents in the waste stream that are not water get rejected, leading to a highly effective, low cost and very agile system for the recovery of clean water from waste. Even better, by using the physical separation process employed in membrane systems, Hydroxsys removes the need for the addition of other chemicals in the treatment process, further reducing cost and enhancing impact.


By enabling the reuse of clean water and concentration the rejected solids and reducing other dissolved materials such as COD and BOD contributors, Hydroxsys enables companies to solve years, sometimes decades old problems without the need for significant investment in upstream or peripheral systems, such as settling ponds. This is possible because the volume of solids is massively reduced as the clean water is removed. The increase in solids content of the final waste material often leads to new opportunities to utilise those solids as a resource for other processes, such as bio-digesters, biofuel (high fat waste) and even feed for vermiculture systems (yes, worms!). In turn, this reduces the cost of solids waste treatment and transport while providing safer alternatives for the use of those waste solids.   

And as we mentioned in our most recent post, the properties of the Hydroxsys membrane and the polymer chemistry can be adjusted to suit upstream manufacturing conditions, making the Hydroxsys system extremely agile in terms of application. We have proven capability via industry trials and case studies, and we can apply the same core technology across multiple industries (e.g., dairy, wine, fish processing, meat processing, bio-digester waste, mining, oil & gas, pulp & paper, the list goes on).


And best of all, we do this by using a combination of the new and the old: new thinking on membrane technology partnered with old technology in fabrication and infrastructure to create a unique, affordable and space-efficient solution that really does work.

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