Case Study

Extracting clean water from dairy manufacturing effluent.

A global goat dairy nutritional company wanted to upgrade their plant’s waste treatment system to adhere to their values and ethos of nurturing their customers with the best nutritional solutions.


Project goal:

The objective of this project was to determine flux rates, membrane recoverability/fouling rates and reduction in wastewater loading (including total suspended solids and chemical/biological oxygen demand). By producing a highly concentrated low-volume waste stream, costs of effluent disposal were significantly reduced.


Clarification of the effluent stream was achieved

  • 99.95% reduction in total suspended solids

  • 65% reduction in BOD

  • 65% reduction in COD

  • Membranes were found to be recoverable after multiple fouling events during the trial

  • The quality of the permeate water could be used for washdown and other non-hygiene critical applications

  • 65% reduction in discharge costs

  • Up to 80% Reduction in water consumption

  • Significant reduction in waste system plant footprint

Client quote:

“By introducing the Hydroxsys system, NIG Nutritionals substantially improved the quality and cleanliness of our wastewater discharge. We effectively reduced our ‘waste’ and returned up to 90% of the wastewater volume back to our system as a source of clean water.”